Weaving Information and Support:
Digital Archive of documents on Weaving, textiles, lace and related topics www.cs.arizona.edu/patterns
Handweavers Guild of America www.weavespindye.org/index.php
Textiles and Tea – Published January 2021
Guild Reward Programs: The following shops offer discounts to our members
Halcyon Yarn – Click on the logo below. This will take you to the Halcyon Yarn page. Please mention that you are a member of the Madison Weavers Guild in the comments section when ordering online. This program allows the Madison Weavers Guild to receive a percentage of purchases. Members can get a $5 discount on their next order over $50 when mentioning the rewards program. https://halcyonyarn.com/
If you order from The Woolery, the Madison Weavers Guild will receive a percentage of all purchases when you follow this link. Woolery Rewards
Lodi Alpacas http://lodialpacas.com/
Lodi Alpacas in Lodi is offering a 10% discount to Madison Weavers Guild members. Please show your Madison Weavers Guild membership card when making your purchase.
The Sow’s Ear www.knitandsip.com
The Sow’s Ear in Verona is offering a 10% discount to Madison Weavers Guild members. Please show your Madison Weavers Guild membership card when making your purchase.
Spry Whimsy Fiber Arts www.sprywhimsy.com
Spry Whimsy Fiber Arts is offering a 10% discount to Madison Weavers Guild members. Please mention that you are a member of the Madison Weavers Guild when making your purchase.
Susan’s Fiber Shop www.susansfibershop.com
Susan’s Fiber Shop is offering a 10% discount to Madison Weavers Guild members. Please mention that you are a member of the Madison Weavers Guild when making your purchase.
Tom@ Fevoldenfarm.com or Ginny@FevoldenFarm.com608-698-1204 or 608-839-4610
Blackberry Ridge Woolen Mill is also willing to give a discount to our members. Contact them at https://www.blackberry-ridge.com/
Supplies, Equipment and Classes
- Apple Hollow Farm www.applehollow.com
- Bahr Creek Llamas and Fiber Studio www.bahrcreek.com
- The Clearing Folk School www.theclearing.org
- Fiberwood Studio fiberwoodstudio.com
- Halcyon Yarn https://halcyonyarn.com/
- Lost Art Fiber and Textile Studio www.lostartfiberandtextile.com
- Mielke’s Fiber Arts, LLC www.mielkesfiberarts.com
- Sievers School of Fiber Arts www.sieversschool.com
- Spry Whimsy Fiber Arts www.sprywhimsy.com
- Studio S Fiber Arts www.studiosfiberarts.com
- Susan’s Fiber Shop www.susansfibershop.com
- Textile Arts Center of Madison https://www.textileartsmadison.org
- The Yarn Barn of Kansas www.yarnbarn-ks.com
- Webs www.yarn.com
- The Woolery https://woolery.com/?aff=65